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Sober Living Mission Statement

Sober Living Mission Statement

Desert Awakenings Sober Living is a structured sober living home that gives those in recovery from alcoholism and substance abuse a supportive place to grow spiritually, one day at a time. In providing a safe home of dignity and integrityfor those seeking a new way of life in sobriety, we realize there are no hopeless cases of addictive individuals. In working the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous we understand that a spiritual awakening can and will happen knowing that God is doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

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Our Sober Living Testimonials

Our Sober Living Testimonials

Children growing up in a family where addiction is prevalent often wind up making adjustments and compromises in order to survive in what they see as a hostile environment.
By doing this they often stifle their own identity and never achieve a healthy, mature, personality.
Mirroring---Is the behavior in which one person copies another usually while in a social interaction with them. It may include attitude, miming, gestures, movements, body language, muscle accent, choice of words or metaphors. When we become our fully authenticated, self - We, "Cast Our Own Shadow"

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Amenities & Structured Sober Living Home

Amenities & Structured Sober Living Home

The house promotes a home-like, dignified atmosphere that is capable of accommodating 7 to 9 guests. The size is approximately 3,300 square feet. There are 5 bedrooms, 3.5 baths.

Desert Awakenings House Description:

  • Bed capacity: 7-9 beds. Guest's rooms accommodate one to two guests. Space per bedroom is approximately 300 square feet.
  • The house is located on 74045 Mockingbird Trail, Indian Wells, CA 92210. Approximately 3 blocks from Fellowship AA meeting Hall (meetings start at 5:30am and run to 10pm seven days a week), 6 blocks from El Paseo downtown area (Lots of business and job opportunities) and 7 blocks from HWY 111 bus stop routes (for access to other desert cities in the Coachella Valley).
  • The house is located in a safe and quite neighborhood with street parking
  • There is a kitchen, 2 dining areas, and 4 refrigerators. Each guest has two storage lockers in the garage for dry and can foods plus any other storage needs. Guests supply their own lock
  • This location is zoned residential
  • There is adequate garage (3 cars), driveway and street parking for guests and visitors
  • The building provides adequate space for communal living for 7 to 9 guests (5 bedrooms, 2 dining rooms, 2 living rooms, 3.5 bathrooms, and free laundry facilities with individual storage).

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